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You start the Palette CLI with a single command, palette. The CLI accepts various subcommands such as pde, help, and more. The Palette CLI will return a non-zero exit status during error scenarios. You can use the CLI flags -h and --help to learn more about each subcommand.

The complete list of subcommands is:

  • completion - Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell.

  • help - Help with any command.

  • pde - Palette Developer Experience.

Global Flags

Palette CLI supports the following global flags.

Short FlagLong FlagDescriptionType
-c--configConfig file location.string
-h--helpHelp with any command.N/A
-l--log-levelLog level. Allowed values: panic fatal error warn info debug trace (default info)string
-w--workspaceWorkspace location for staging runtime configurations and logs (default $HOME/.palette)string


The pde subcommand interacts with the Palette Dev Engine (PDE) platform and its resources. You can use the pde command to log in to Palette, manage virtual clusters, and switch the project scope. The pde command exposes the following subcommands.

  • cluster-group - Manage Palette Cluster Groups.

  • login - Log in to Spectro Cloud Palette.

  • project - Manage Palette Projects.

  • virtual-cluster - Manage Palette Virtual Clusters.


Use this command to change the target cluster group commands will target. You can also list all available clusters. The cluster-group supports the following subcommands.

  • list - List Palette Cluster Groups.

  • switch - Switch your active Palette Cluster Group.


Use this command to authenticate with Palette. This command requires a Palette API key. The login command has no subcommands but exposes a set of flags to help you log in to the correct Palette environment and scope. The following CLI flags are available for the login command.

--api-keyThe Palette API key.stringYes
--cluster-group-nameThe Palette Cluster Group name.stringNo
--cluster-group-scopePalette Cluster Group scope.stringNo
--console-urlThe Palette login URL. The default value is https://console.spectrocloud.comstringNo
--projectThe Palette Project name. Defaults to Default.stringNo


palette pde login --api-key yourApiKeyHere --console-url


Use this command to change the project scope and list all available projects. You can also deactivate a project with this command. The project command supports the following subcommands.

  • deactivate - Deactivate your active Palette project and switch to the tenant admin scope.

  • list - List Palette projects.

  • switch - Switch your active Palette project.


You can use the virtual-cluster command to manage virtual cluster resources. Below is a list of all the supported subcommands you can use. Use the --help flag to learn more about each subcommand.

  • create - Create a Palette Virtual Cluster.

  • delete - Delete a Palette Virtual Cluster.

  • download-kubeconfig - Download the kubeconfig for a Palette Virtual Cluster.

  • events - View events for a Palette Virtual Cluster.

  • lifecycle - Pause or resume a Palette Virtual Cluster.

  • list - List Palette Virtual Clusters.

  • resize - Resize a Palette Virtual Cluster.