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Cluster Resource Filter

The page guides you on how to create a Palette Resource Filter and add these filters to the users to establish cluster access restrictions.

Create Resource Filter

You must create a Resource Filter in Palette to establish user-based access restrictions to clusters across multiple projects. The resource filters are created under the scope of Tenant Admin. To create a resource filter, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to Palette as Tenant Admin and go to Tenant Settings from the left Main Menu.

  2. Select Filters tab and click +New Resource Filter.

  3. To the Create New Filter wizard give the following information:

  • Filter Name: A custom name for the tag filter.

  • A filter expression. Use the following table to familiarize yourself with the filter expression format:

    andTagisCustom tag value
    orTagisCustom tag value
    andTagis notCustom tag value
    orTagis notCustom tag value
  1. Click the Confirm button to complete the filter creation wizard.

Note: The tags are case-sensitive.


Upon creating a filter, a display message will pop up to confirm the successful creation of the tag. You can also use the following steps to review the filter is available for use.

  1. Navigate to the left Main Menu and click on Tentant Settings.

  2. Access the Manage Filters page to find the filter name listed.

  3. You can Edit and Delete filters by clicking on the three-dot Menu at the end of the row.

Add Resource Role

You can assign the resource filter created, in combination with roles, to a user to enforce access restriction. Palette provisions two types of roles:

  • Palette Global Roles, the set of roles that are available in Palette by default.

  • Custom Resource Roles, can be generated according to your requirements from the available set of permissions and operations.


To assign the resource roles and filter to the user follow the below steps:

  1. Log in to Palette as Tenant Admin

  2. Select the user to be assigned with a role from the Users & Teams from the left Main Menu to go to User Details.

  3. From the user details wizard, select Resource Roles Tab and click + New Resource Role.

  4. In the Add Roles to User wizard, enter the following details:

  • Projects: The projects to which the user is assigned.
  • Filers: Select the filters to be assigned from the drop-down. The Filters created will be displayed in the drop-down menu.
  • Select the check box to assign the roles to the user from the list displayed. These are Palette built-in roles.
  1. Click Confirm to complete the Add Role wizard.

Remove or Edit the Role

To remove or edit an attached role:

  1. Log in to Palette as Tenant Admin

  2. From the left Main Menu click on Users & Teams. This will take you to the User Details page.

  3. From the Resource Roles tab, click the three-dot menu towards the role name.

  4. Click Edit or Remove option from the drop-down menu.


Upon creating a filter, a display message will pop up to confirm the successful role assignment. You can also use the following steps to review the roles created:

  1. Navigate to the left Main Menu and click on Clusters.

  2. This page will list all the clusters to which the user has access based on the filter created. You need to switch to each project and view the accessible clusters.
