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Workload Visibility

Palette provides visibility into the resources running inside workload clusters. Workloads are displayed for all infrastructure providers. These resources are displayed on the cluster details page. Following is the list of resources shown in the workload browser:

NamespacesNamespaces are a way to divide cluster resources between multiple users (via resource quota).
PodsPods are the smallest deployable units of computing that can be created and managed in Kubernetes.
DeploymentSetsDeploymentSets are a way to create and manage groups of identical pods.
DaemonSetsDaemonSets are a way to create and manage pods that are deployed on all, or some nodes.
StatefulSetsStatefulSets are a way to create and manage pods that have persistent storage and are deployed in order.
JobsJobs are a way to create and manage pods that are active until completion.
CronJobsCronJobs are a way to create and manage pods that deploy on a schedule.
Role BindingsRole Bindings are a way to create and manage access to cluster resources.
Cluster Role BindingsCluster Role Bindings are a way to create and manage access to cluster resources.